Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
The Veggie Grill - Four Stars!
The serve products like qunioa, tempeh, and seitan. Some healthy vegetarian's staples. Personally, I recommend the chili, the sweet potato fries, and the spring salad =)
Monday, November 27, 2006
Co-op America: The Green Pages
Friday, November 24, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving
- North American Wild Turkey
- The domesticated turkey (the one on your dinner table yesterday)
- Tofurkey! The vegetarian's turkey dinner
Turkey Terms
- Caruncle - brightly colored growths on the throat region. Turns bright red when the turkey is upset or during courtship.
- Gizzard - a part of a bird's stomach that contains tiny stones. It helps them grind up food for digestion.
- Hen - a female turkey.
- Poult - a baby turkey. A chick.
- Snood - the flap of skin that hangs over the turkey's beak. Turns bright red when the turkey is upset or during courtship.
- Tom - a male turkey. Also known as a gobbler.
- Wattle - the flap of skin under the turkey's chin. Turns bright red when the turkey is upset or during courtship.
- Scientific genus and species: Meleagris gallopavo
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Red-throated Pipit
Monday, November 20, 2006
First State Record: Ross's Gull
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
10th Annual Central Valley Birding Symposium
This year's gorgeous t-shirt design by Rene Reyes
I will try to post photos of the birds seen on the trips I attend, and update with highlights of the symposium. Usually the young birders get together and bird on the trip, which might be my favorite part, afterall we are the future of birding and personally it's exciting to see so many talented people my own age out there birding.
Youngbirders together birding =)
CVBS attendees chatting after the dinner presentation by Don Roberson
Monday, November 13, 2006
Random Photography
Pond at UNB in Big Canyon area
Eurasian and American Widgeon
Turkey Vulture in flight
Red-shouldered Hawk, assembled camera and took this photo while stopped at a red light... hehe
Fun With Lighting
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
a Silent Killer
Has anyone ever seen or heard of this happening with RCKIs, GCKIs or other small birds? It was news to me...
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Birding With Alex Part 2: Crystal Cove
Birding With Alex Part 1: SJWS
Despite the yucky weather, the birding was very good. Plenty of species, easy sightings, and a mellow atmosphere to bird in. We saw three species of raptors at SJWS, White-tailed Kites, Red-tailed Hawks, a Cooper's Hawk, and of course vultures, which aren't really raptors.
Highlight species included a California Thrasher, Say's Phoebe, not one but two Northern Flickers, a cooperative male Downy Woodpecker, and of course the birds of prey. We had about 50 species on this part of the trip.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Bolsa Chica 11/4/06
I saw some birds I haven't seen in some time, seasonally I mean, like Buffleheads and Scaup and the like. I sure haven't been birding much lately, must fix that, I definitely will be back there again soon. While I was there, I bought myself an Amigos de Bolsa Chica hat, because I most definitely support the cause.
I'm going birding tomorrow with one of my best friends, Alex. We're just going to SJWS, but it isn't often I get to go birding with companions, so it should be a real treat.
Western Pygmy-blue Butterfly, smallest butterfly in the western U.S.
Forster's Tern
Brown Pelican swallowing a fish
Male and female Lesser Scaup