Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Spring is for Swallows

Well today on my lunch break between Botany and Geology, I decided that it was too sunny and gorgeous not to take a quick walk around the marsh to see what was going on. Tree swallows were the bird of the day, swirling and weaving, bubbling and chattering as they enjoyed the sunshine and breezy weather. The close second however was the marsh wrens. I have never seen - yes seen - so many in one day! Usually it's, "oh I hear a marsh wren over there..." then you search and search but even thought you feel like you're staring right at it, you never manage to get a glimpse of the little bugger. Today however they were flitting around quite conspicuously. As I was leaving I ran into John Luther who was making a quick stopover in Orange County on his way back home from scooping up some so cal vagrants.

Not an amazing photo, but I was going for a butterfly when my eyes focused in closer and I realized this guy was sitting there, so close I could have nearly touched him!!


Larry said...

Nice pictures.-I'll bet you're weather is a lot nicer in California than CT.

Anonymous said...

wow! must be an enjoyable experience going around looking for birds. over here in Malaysia, we called it 'bird race'.