Monday, July 31, 2006

More Road Trip Photos

Wow, nothing like coming down off the high of a vacation to give you the blues. I decided to edit my photos and post a few to reminisce and perhaps lift my spirits a little... On a bird-related note, (yes I haven't forgotten about those) I saw a California endemic species on our drive home yesterday - The yellow-billed magpie. It flew over our car =) I was glad to get one good bird on what was otherwise a very non-birding oriented trip.
Monterey/Big Sur
Big Sur is one of my favorite places I've been to, and I was thrilled that Pete really liked it as well. Look at the view! It almost seems fake it's so gorgeous. Honestly, how could you not like a place like that?!
Hoary Comma, a lifer for me!!
This is the closest I came to getting in a boat out of Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey...
BSOL - photo from the river
These were the deer we saw outside our hotel in Pacific Grove, Pete was adorably stoked to see them. They were incredible tame...
I made this panorama of an oak branch from photos I took at Big Sur Andrew Molera State Park.
Santa Cruz
It was great to see Charlie again, I hadn't seen him since I left, and he was my best friend from my few short months living in Santa Cruz last fall.
San Francisco
I attempted to get skyline shots, took an entire memory card worth of S.F. photos, this one's from the Embarcadero...
Crabs for sale along the Fisherman's Grotto.
We watched these guys for a while before taking the BART back to our car.

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