Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Boy Kicks Hawk to Save Dog

This story makes me incredibly angry, not because the boy shouldn't have protected his dog, but the way that the media, and even the "wildlife officer" said that RTHAs are "vicious" and will "tear you apart". Are you serious?? We take away everything from these animals, my guess is that hawk was probably very hungry to go after a dog with a human so nearby. I think that there was a lot more that could have been done with this story... it could have been used to educate people on why we need to protect the environment, and keep these birds from having to resort to desperate measures. The way that it was played out just means more disrespect for the environment, and one more reason for people to misunderstand wildlife. *sigh*


Unknown said...

I agree. I wrote a response to this hawk-dog-boy story, too.

Unknown said...

it's really disheartening so see how little mainstream society understands birds. great post btw!

Anonymous said...

wow, I'm just not quite sure what to say. At least the written piece didn't make it sound as bad as the video did. The wildlife officer that they got that soundbite from must not really know Red-tailed Hawks that well...

Sad. Thanks for pointing it out.

Amy said...

Did you happen to see the reporter's response to my letter?

Unknown said...

I saw that, and I'm still not impressed with the guy. Timing or not, there was no reason the bird's own well-being couldn't have been discussed. Did nobody even think of it? I honestly don't feel the kid should be praised for it, whether or not it was in defense of his precious pet... But then again, that's the radical hippie in me talking.

Anonymous said...

This boy had every right to kick that dumb @$$ hawk in the head! He was protecting his pet, and I guarantee you would have done the same. I am all for this boy and his heroic actions. I had a friend who's Pomeranian was swooped up by a hawk.
This makes me seriously angry how you could say stuff like this about that boy. He had every right to kick the hawk...
They ARE dangerous and he could have seriously been injured. This boy has way more balls than you ever will!
I know this boy personally...

Unknown said...

Well Margie Sue, there's so much I'd love to say to you, but with a comment like that I'm sure there's no changing your mind.

It's really too bad that you've villanized that poor hawk, it was not attacking him for fun, it was doing it because it was desperate for food, nor would the hawk have hurt the boy, that was not in any way it's intent.

And as to the personal insult to myself, you need to take a look at the way the things you say reflect upon you...