Sunday, November 05, 2006

Birding With Alex Part 1: SJWS

Today I got to go birding with one of my favorite people, Alex. I used to call her my mini-me when we were little. Well today she is taller than me, but I still feel like she's the little sister I never had. We birded SJWS, when we started it was about 60 degrees, and pretty comfortable out. About a half hour later, it was over 70, and the sun was torching the backs of our necks. Where else is it 80 degrees in November?! Ugh.

Despite the yucky weather, the birding was very good. Plenty of species, easy sightings, and a mellow atmosphere to bird in. We saw three species of raptors at SJWS, White-tailed Kites, Red-tailed Hawks, a Cooper's Hawk, and of course vultures, which aren't really raptors.
Highlight species included a California Thrasher, Say's Phoebe, not one but two Northern Flickers, a cooperative male Downy Woodpecker, and of course the birds of prey. We had about 50 species on this part of the trip.

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