Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Environmental Nature Center

Birded briefly at the ENC today in hopes of refinding Peyton Cook's black-chinned sparrow. no luck and boy was it hot out... Nothing out of the ordinary, LEGOs, SOSPs, HOFIs, COYEs all caling. Saw and heard hooded orioles in the palm trees, nesting perhaps. A pac-slope was calling and I got a glimpse of it flicking its tail, clearly it had decided it was too warm to flycatch. I don't blame it. I called it quits soon after that too, the pool somehow seemed more inviting, so sue me...

Some sort of cactus bloom, similar to the purple ones I got in Big Morongo...
Mourning Cloak
honeybee yet again, I'm good with these...
mommy mallard, I was afraid she was hurt cause she refused to move and let me get so close but the ENC guy said she was part of a nesting pair and they had their nest near to where I was standing. Sorry momma!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanks much! =)